Friday 26 September 2008

Rainbow Clothes Day

Started well with 2 kids downstairs earlyish so lots of time to browse net for me and have a leisurely breakfast (Aldi ready brek whose box I have still not cellotaped so every time I pour some out in the bowl it leaves a trail of porridge down the cooker and all over the floor) J wouldn't get up from his last nights sleeping choice of curled up at the bottom of my bed with his feet sticking in my face all night. So Rainbow Day at school for Y. Followed her upstairs to where she had placed 4 outfits on her bed on hangers which she decided to do the day before so she could see her clothes more easily. So which one? We decided anything with black wasn't going to do (2 back in the wardrobe) and the lovely pink wool one she put back cos it irritates her arms. So that left the pink flowery long top. Leggings? Black ones? She settled for the peach looking ones with lilac socks (good rainbow colour) and muticoloured trainers. I went back downstairs to sort out a shirt for J. Checked on line. No all those were girls. So had to resort to pulling one out the washbasket and putting in tumble drier for 10 mins.(to freshen up !)
Y comes down "I look too fat" She says. You're 6 I point out. That made no difference. So she pleads with me to wear her denim shorts and leggings. Not a good look when you're trying to look like your daughter has expensive clothes but was fed up by now. She comes back down in a suitably rainbowish Tshirt and looks appalling. Hair next. Not down for fear of yet more nits as she knows so settle on high ponytail with a matching (pleased with myself with this) scrunchy.All done She hates it. Brothers gel on . Still hates it. Meanwhile J downstairs and not getting dressed so remind him he has to leave in 20 mins. Back in kitchen .Redo hair and put slides in. Upstairs to do Z nappy. Stinking. Back down J not dressed. Remind him friend here in 10 mins. Forgot hadn't made sandwiches. Chocolate spread again but J requests cheese so pleased with this interest in healthy food. Jeans on Z. Y decides to wear a different top purple and pink stripes and black leggings (Sod it ) Now has matching socks, scrunchy and outfit !Such a good mum. J dressed now so go to put some clothes on. Trousers from yesterday off the floor with paint form school. Brown top covered in paint. Will have to wear Grandmas black and white winter coat I have been wearing every day even when warm. J's friend not here so ry to get out house to walk him to the corner. Z refusing to come out of his buggy. Can't take buggy as has puncture. Carry him screaming down the street. Wave J off to school. Walk back along and the friend comes cycling past. Typical. Set off with Y to school. see her two friends from scholl on other side looking very swish in coordinated expensive autumny cardigans. See Y look at her own outfit. Feel sorry for her. Must get more clothes when get paid. Back home for breakfast and its only 9.00.

1 comment:

Wife not Lodger said...

still found time for homemade soup! Superb-mum!